Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You are what you eat

  I truly believe this old saying is true.  Yes, some of us have a propensity to be heavier than others. And yes, as we have children and get older its harder to stay slim.  But over the last year I lost some weight.  I was very conscientious about what I ate.  I got fresh vegetables and either ate them raw or cooked them myself.  I was careful about the meats that I got especially chicken.  It is gross what companies inject into their meat!  I had some chicken breasts that I purchased, I put them in a baking dish sprayed with cooking spray.  That's all.  When I took them out of the oven, the dish was full of greasy juices.  Gross!
  What I'm trying to say is that the processed foods we eat, whether from fast food or from the grocery store, directly effect our weight and waist line.  After 6 weeks of being very careful (and very rarely eating out), I found my waist. 
  Now I would love to say that I've kept it all off.  Sadly, no. But I at least know what I've got to do to get the weight off. Now off for a good breakfast. :D

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